Protruding ears, what are the consequences for my child ?

Detached ears in babies are not usually a cause for concern. However, as the child grows, it can affect his or her psychological well-being. In this article, we look at the consequences of having protruding ears.

Detached ears pose no risk or danger

If your child has protruding ears, this will have no impact on his physical health. He won’t develop any diseases, and it won’t lead to any other physical deformities.

Protruding ears can be caused by poor sleeping posture. Indeed, the ears are sometimes folded for many hours. Ears can also fold back when breast-feeding or holding a baby in your arms. During the first few months of life, ear cartilage is extremely soft. It can therefore quickly take on an inappropriate shape, resulting in, among other things, protruding ears.

The cause of protruding ears is also often genetic. In 1-2% of cases, it’s hereditary.

Protruding ears, a major psychological impact

The psychological distress can be considerable. 90% of people with protruding ears perceive them as a cosmetic problem in the eyes of others. This perception is often the cause of psychological discomfort or social stigmatisation. This can lead to reduced quality of life and self-esteem, as well as social avoidance. For children, poor results at school can also be a consequence.

Teasing at school creates short-term discomfort and can affect long-term self-esteem. Both children and adults with protruding ears who have been teased can develop a fear of ridicule. This can also influence self-criticism, which tends towards negativity.

Protecting baby’s ears

Before the age of 6 months in particular, ear cartilage is very soft and can lend itself to remodelling. Bandages and adhesive tape have been used in the past. But now a cap has been designed to address the problem more specifically: the bonnet that keeps baby’s ears flat. It can effectively treat ear deformities in babies, avoiding the need for surgery.

It should be noted that the spontaneous evolution of protruding ears remains a subject of questioning and still raises uncertainties. Whatever the case, the hat designed to hold baby’s ears in place remains the solution without surgery and is recommended for infants.

Surgical issues

Surgery for protruding ears (otoplasty) has evolved over time to include a number of different surgical techniques. These methods have been continually modified to improve aesthetic results and minimise the need for repeat surgery. However, surgery can often be avoided provided that parents act within the first few months after birth.

Protruding ears can affect self-esteem. But by taking preventive measures from an early age, it is possible to minimise the psychological consequences. In this way, a proactive approach helps to prevent emotional problems and encourages the proper development of self-confidence.